Restoring ecological function to Southern Ontario since 2004.

Paul O'Hara is a field botanist, landscape designer and native plant gardening expert. He is the Owner/Operator of Blue Oak Native Landscapes. Paul's business activities include:
native plant garden design, construction and consulting
botanical surveys, natural heritage interpretation and invasive species control for rural landowners in southern Ontario
field botany services for conservation and commercial purposes
Species At Risk surveying. Past projects include Red Mulberry, Cucumber Magnolia, American Chestnut, Flowering Dogwood, Dwarf Hackberry, Round-leaved Greenbrier, Hoary Mountain Mint, Few-flowered Club-rush, American Columbo, Blue Ash, Wild Hyacinth and White Wood Aster.
Paul's first book, A Trail Called Home: Tree Stories from the Golden Horseshoe, was published by Dundurn Press in 2019. Paul lives in Hamilton.